Music Producers Chris-N-Teeb Releases New Music "Really Pushin'P"
Updated: Dec 16, 2024
Short N Sweet Ent

Chris-N-Teeb, two well-known and iconic Atlantic City producers in the music industry, have been making hits for years. They are both independently talented but together they have produced magic. Recently, they dropped a Jazz album, Really Pushin’ P and it has taken the game by storm. This project is a piece of the puzzle that has been missing in the industry. It allows listeners to center themselves and gives them the energy they need to strengthen their mind. Chris-N-Teeb spoke with Short N Sweet Entertainment to discuss their journey, influences, and the creation behind Really Pushin’ P.
Chris and Teeb, you both are from Atlantic City, New Jersey. How is the music scene there?
Chris: Teeb and I were just talking about it. It’s been epic over the last 20 years. This is where Rodney Jenkins is from. He provided a lot of inspiration. A lot of producers and songwriters come from here, including us.
Did you guys know from the beginning that you both wanted to do music?
Teeb: I think we both wanted to do music from an early age. I knew I was going to be involved in music in one way or the other. I learned how people responded to how I played drums. I thought I was going to be a rapper but I played the drums first. Then it turned into producing and that’s when I met Chris.
Chris: Same here. I grew up in church. I was playing drums before I could talk. I started playing on pots and pans and my parents responded to that by getting me real drums. From the age of 2 to 4, I was developing my skills and it continued from there. Around 14, I developed my ear for piano. My mom put me in lessons but I hated it. Then it started to grow on me and I became glad that she did that for me. When I met Teeb, we were both heavy in production in our areas and everybody told us that we needed to meet because we had the same energy and heart for music. That’s how we met. Our friends put us together.
You guys have had the opportunity to work with some legends in the industry such as Cassie, J. Lo, Ciara, and 50 Cent. How was that process?
When we got into the industry it became more digital based. Everything was going from CD’s to iTunes. At that time we really didn’t have to be in the room with the artist, which was kind of whack but cool at the same time because we could work from everywhere. We always create the song first as a demo then we submit it. That was an easy process for us because we knew how to study the artist. We looked at their past and what can work best for them. Then, we put the music together. After 2015, we started to be in the studio with the artist and we would get a chance to hear their stories and it became an organic process. I honestly feel like that’s when we started making some of our best music.

I would love to jump into the project. It’s called Really Pushin’ P. So just to clarify what does the P stand for?
Teeb: Anything POSITIVE. That’s the original meaning of it. Pushin P is pushing positivity. Other artist changed the meaning for whatever fits their lifestyle but we are changing it back to its original form.
Chris: You can finish the sentence however it fits you.
We really pushing peace.
We really pushing positivity.
We really pushing passion.
We really pushing for the present moment.
You can fill in the blank for you.
Well, that’s what Short N Sweet Ent is all about – pushing as many positive images and stories within our culture but we live in a society that thrives off of messiness and drama. You guys are doing what I am doing and staying positive but how has it been staying ten toes down to your mission?
Chris: I have to say thank you for your stance and I know it’s not easy. We stay ten toes down to positivity because we have been sick and tired of the mindset, images, and sounds that put our youth and us in a negative lifestyle. It’s like you have no other way but to stay positive. You have to create the balance so that people can have an alternative to listen to.
My favorite track is Peace and Prosper, what is your favorite track that y’all have created?
Chris: It’s hard to pick. Right now it would have to be Present Moment Mode simply because that’s the time we are in, the holiday season. Everybody is going to be with their families and you have to be present with that. Give it your all and be fully in the moment.
What was the creative process behind creating Really Pushin P?
Chris: Tik-Tok Live honestly. It fueled a lot of things without knowing it. We call our listeners our “Big Friends”. Teeb still goes live consistently. At that time when we were creating the project, he would always say Present Moment Mode and that would mean it’s time to be grateful and experience the moments of gratitude. He would take me through that process. One of our Big Friends said they needed a song that said Present Moment Mode, so he did some drums and a hook and then sent it to me. I had finished the rest on my live so that everyone saw the process happen in real time. I started playing the keys and then improvising and it hit me that we needed to do a Jazz album. It all came together because Big Friends fueled it.
When listening to the album, I heard a lot of Jazz influences. Who was some influences that helped you propel this project?
Chris: Definitely! I grew up on Jazz and Gospel music and I used that to enhance my own sound. I would listen to Herby Hancock and Bill Evans. Later on, Jazz evolved and it became more fusion and soul-based. We have Robert Glasper and he’s like the king of jazz right now. Terrance Martin and Elijah Fox also influence me but there are so many more artists that have inspired me. We are missing real instrumentation in the music industry and I hope that we can bring that back.
When artist go into the studio, they usually like it to be a certain type of way so that it could ignite their creativity. For you guys, is there something you need to make everything come together?
Chris: I definitely need water, Coconut water if I am fancy. I don’t need this but I would like to have some pre-rolls ready. Honestly, a good vibe is all I need and everybody has to have good energy. A lot of the time it’s just Teeb and I and if anybody comes in to work we are there first to set the tone.
Teeb: I would need my computer and water. That’s pretty much all I need. We are a vibe. We produce naturally. Seeing a bunch of keyboards and gear gets me hyped. Our job as producers is to make sure that the artist that we work with gets the best record so we make sure the atmosphere is right. We have to make sure they are comfortable.

When somebody hears this project for the first time what is one thing you want them to get from it?
Teeb: The first thing that I want people to get from it is the healing aspect of the music. I want them to understand the P – the positivity, the peace, the prosperity. I want them to use it as a tool. We have something good for your musical ear.
Chris: This is healing sounds like nobody’s ever heard it like this before. I want people to embrace it. Peace and Prosper is your favorite record so I would love to explain that. There are 7 different types of affirmations for each chakra.
I Know
I am divinely connected and aware
I See
I am trusting my intuition unconditionally
I Speak
I am speaking my truth confidently
I Love
I am deserving of boundless love
I Do
I am empowered, strong, and confident
I Feel
I am intimately connected to my emotions
I Am
I am secure, centered, and grounded
We are specifically and intentionally implementing healing in every fiber of this music. Even if you are enjoying it – enjoy it.
Teeb: Even the song lengths are angel numbers. Everything has a meaning in this project.
Congratulations! This project is truly special. Lastly, if you could title this chapter of your life, what would you call it and why?
Teeb: I am going to have to say Immense Gratitude because every day I am living the exact picture that I saw as a kid. When I was younger I heard people playing the music that I produced in their cars and stuff and now they listening to my music.
Chris: I would title it “Best Self”. We have a song called Best Self and that’s what helped me transform my physical appearance. I was already doing the mental work. I was actually overweight and I was unhealthy. I transformed into my best self because of the music that we created for ourselves.
Make sure you go download Really Pushin' P and follow them on social media to see what's coming up next.
Written By: Shauntay Hallett
Until Next Post... Coach Tay